Control Freaks Hate People

Greetings Golfers,


Most of us don’t want to run other people’s lives. 

But some people do.

Fortunately, our society is a free marketplace of goods and services. People choose what to wear and eat and drive, etc. 

And companies have sales people who get their product or service into the marketplace. Those sales people are not robots. They actually make connections and relationships that are based on trust while selling what they have. 

Without a free marketplace … we’re all just assigned our clothes, food, cars, etc … by who? Probably arrogant control freaks who want to run our lives.

Oh yeah … I forgot … they do it because they love us.

I think as our society is becoming more controlled … people are becoming more like actors who are good at saying their lines. And then people respect the people who are the best at saying their lines … whether it’s true or makes any sense.

So … I think that the good salesman is the guy in the movie who stops saying his lines and turns to the camera and explains to the audience what’s really going on.

The reason that I’m going off on this is because I just heard that some of the companies we use are getting rid of salespeople.

Companies like that don’t really believe in choice. They wish that there was a law that people could only buy their product or service. Relationships? Choices? Different qualities of products and services? No!!! One size fits all.

They would claim it’s about being fair and efficient. 

In their mind … if people would just shut-up and take it, the machine of humanity would run much better.

The machine.

Now, some people confuse this with the freedom we have now. They want to tell every business how to operate. They are actually the same as the control freaks who want to run everything. Rather than tell businesses what to do … they should patronize the ones they like … and leave the others alone.

For example, about 30 years ago, I wouldn’t buy products from the biggest golf shoe company. I liked their stuff - but I didn’t like their sales representative. People matter more to me than stuff. Fortunately, they got rid of him and the fellow that followed him is still here. And he’s one of my favorites. He knows his product better than I do (of course!) He knows who we are - so I trust him to sell us what we need. I’m not so arrogant as to think that I know more about his products than he does. This is how relationships work. This is how a healthy business works. This is also how a healthy society works. 

The people who are trying to get rid of the people side of business do not like you and me. They say they do … but they’re just saying their rehearsed lines.

We need people who stop saying their lines and look into the camera and speak the truth.




Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional


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