A Shotmaker
A Shotmaker
Greetings Golfers,
Golf: Hit it … find it … hit it.
And you do it on 18 different holes. Holes designed to challenge your skill and your strategy.
Then throw in weather … and you have a constant unique challenge.
And because we’re human … every round is also constant unique challenge. Some days it’s easy … some days it’s unbelievably hard.
But that’s why we play. It’s all about how we deal with it.
And golf is going to put you in situations where you have to hit different types of shots. Hitting it up over a tree is obviously different from punching it under a tree. Both can be very satisfying. Or, very frustrating.
We need to keep working on our shot-making skills to get better at dealing with the challenges. Most people focus too much on trying to develop a “perfect” swing … and trying to hit it far.
Control of the ball is what it’s really about.
Think about it. You try to hit a driver high and far … and you try to roll a putt on the ground into a hole. Pretty different golf shots. Yet necessary to play the game.
I wonder if Rudyard Kipling played golf. You know, the guy who wrote the poem “If”. Here’s an AI description of the famous poem:
“It’s a poem that encourages people to maintain their balance and moral fortitude in the face adversity.”
He had to play golf.
Kipling was also known as a problem solver and is method was based on a series of questions. Here’s how he described it:
“I keep six honest serving men: They taught me all I knew
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who
Not sure how much his method helps with solving golf problems … but at least he had the right mind-set for dealing with life … and golf!
Well, keep working on your shot-making … and your problem solving. This could be your best golf year yet.
Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional