Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Common Sense - Where Are You?

Greetings Golfers,

Summer in Minnesota goes by too quickly. Sure, we’ve got weird air quality from those fires in Canada … and it can get hot … but, it’s still really good. We might lead the nation in golf participation and boating … because we don’t/can’t take warm weather for granted!

Fortunately, we’ve been packed everyday. It’s crazy. It never rains - or only at night. As I’ve always said - nice weather makes me look smart.

Just had a guy say to our desk staff in the Shop “You must be cooking the books to make it look like you’re full.” Huh? He then said that he had a hard time finding an open tee-time … and that he just sat on our patio and didn’t see any players on #18 for awhile.

Hmmmmm. So … we would purposefully not open tee-times so we would look like we’re full? Wow. That’s so crazy I don’t even know where to start. That would be like us sending out the beverage cart with nothing in it … and telling everyone that it’s empty because it’s sold-out.

I guess because a 4some quit after 9 holes and the 4some before them played fast … and then the others played at a normal pace … that the gap he saw was actually part of our tee-time scam????

Ah … common sense … please come back. We miss you.

Here’s another one: Twilight golf. We charge a lesser Twilight rate because we don’t think it’s fair charging the normal rate if people can’t finish 18 holes. Some people think it’s a license to play as many holes as they can. For them … Twilight is whenever they’ve had enough. When I told them they couldn’t start another round on #1 … they were mad and said it wasn’t fair. Ummmmm … it was 9:30pm and pitch-black … not what I would call Twilight.

All we’re trying to do is make it fair. Tee-times go quickly (Thank God!) … why would we lose money cancelling valuable tee-times to pretend we’re busier than we are? And why would we charge less for Twilight if they can play more than 18 holes?

Common-sense … where are you?

While writing this … just had a person call in because they were 2minutes behind pace. I’m not making this up.

Are they just looking for a reason to be upset? Why aren’t they enjoying playing golf? Because it’s 2minutes behind pace? Really?

We all know golf can be frustrating. I get it. But this stuff seems like people just going out of their way to be unhappy.

Speaking of being unhappy. Do you think Justin Thomas is very happy? What’s going on with his golf game? It doesn’t seem like he’s enjoying playing golf. I thought the Open might be a good thing for him … sort of like a new start in a new town.

I love watching the Open. It’s like watching your buddies scrambling around out the woods to make par. It’s amazing what these guys can do with a golf ball. This is not robot golf … one basic swing that just flies the ball to targets. This is working it around the course with golf shots and imagination … and guts. 

Back on our little practice green, I’ve been showing some staff and other people ways to control the ball with spin. Everyone always thinks it’s too advanced. It’s not. Its the same as controlling the ball in ping-pong. A hook spin is the same as a topspin … just low-to-high with a closed face. And … a slice/flop-shot is the same as a drop-shot … just high-to-low with an open face.

People worry too much about the path being in-to-out or out-to-in. However, the low-to-high path and the high-to-low take care of proper angle automatically. Meaning … try to swing low-to-high on an out-to-in path. Or … try to swing high-to-low on an in-to-out path. Doesn’t work.

I know, I know … a lot of topics … maybe too many. But summer goes by quickly and we have a lot of golf to enjoy. Golf isn’t easy or perfect … but it’s a great way to spend time during the summer. Let’s enjoy it!



Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Control Freaks Hate People

Greetings Golfers,


Most of us don’t want to run other people’s lives. 

But some people do.

Fortunately, our society is a free marketplace of goods and services. People choose what to wear and eat and drive, etc. 

And companies have sales people who get their product or service into the marketplace. Those sales people are not robots. They actually make connections and relationships that are based on trust while selling what they have. 

Without a free marketplace … we’re all just assigned our clothes, food, cars, etc … by who? Probably arrogant control freaks who want to run our lives.

Oh yeah … I forgot … they do it because they love us.

I think as our society is becoming more controlled … people are becoming more like actors who are good at saying their lines. And then people respect the people who are the best at saying their lines … whether it’s true or makes any sense.

So … I think that the good salesman is the guy in the movie who stops saying his lines and turns to the camera and explains to the audience what’s really going on.

The reason that I’m going off on this is because I just heard that some of the companies we use are getting rid of salespeople.

Companies like that don’t really believe in choice. They wish that there was a law that people could only buy their product or service. Relationships? Choices? Different qualities of products and services? No!!! One size fits all.

They would claim it’s about being fair and efficient. 

In their mind … if people would just shut-up and take it, the machine of humanity would run much better.

The machine.

Now, some people confuse this with the freedom we have now. They want to tell every business how to operate. They are actually the same as the control freaks who want to run everything. Rather than tell businesses what to do … they should patronize the ones they like … and leave the others alone.

For example, about 30 years ago, I wouldn’t buy products from the biggest golf shoe company. I liked their stuff - but I didn’t like their sales representative. People matter more to me than stuff. Fortunately, they got rid of him and the fellow that followed him is still here. And he’s one of my favorites. He knows his product better than I do (of course!) He knows who we are - so I trust him to sell us what we need. I’m not so arrogant as to think that I know more about his products than he does. This is how relationships work. This is how a healthy business works. This is also how a healthy society works. 

The people who are trying to get rid of the people side of business do not like you and me. They say they do … but they’re just saying their rehearsed lines.

We need people who stop saying their lines and look into the camera and speak the truth.




Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Play Golf Like A Musician

Greetings Golfers,

Though I didn’t see any of it … I heard that last weekend Bernhard Langer won the US Senior Open. And that Rickie Fowler won on the PGA Tour.

Both victories were good for golf because both players are 5’9” … the perfect height for golf. I’m kidding ( I’m 5’9”). But they’re both good guys and amazingly driven. Langer is now the Senior Tour all-time winner. And Rickie remade his golf swing. Both guys could have put their golf careers on cruise and headed-off into the sunset as former stars. Instead, they ramped-up their work ethic and won.

Langer is relentless. He turned Pro 50 years ago … and never stopped tweaking and experimenting and improving. His putting woes would have killed most guys … but he found a way that works for him. Rickie realized his swing was good … but not good enough for who he wanted to be. So, he went back to Butch Harmon and rebuilt his swing.

These guys remind me of guitarists. Carlos Santana is always experimenting and improving. Jeff Beck (R.I.P.) was the best and just kept getting better. He and Eric Clapton do an amazing version of “Moon River” … check it out on YouTube.

So the other day I was listening to Santana play “Samba Pa Ti” on YouTube … and I wondered why I don’t hear anything like this anymore. I know, I know … I sound like the crabby old guy who doesn’t like anything new. But that’s not what I’m talking about. The “music” I hear in a grocery store is worse than Muzak was. This “music” is made to appeal to everyone … but it appeals to no-one. It’s as appealing as fake food.

Ironically, something that comes from the heart like Santana’s “Samba Pa Ti” actually appeals to everyone (almost) … because most people have hearts and emotions.

AI cannot make heartfelt music. Or take the place of an instructor like Butch Harmon. Rickie Fowler is not a robot. He has a new swing … but not a robotic swing. He plays golf like a musician. So does Bernhard Langer. His swing is unorthodox … but it’s the result of constant tweaking that gives him the feel and control he needs to play the shots (notes) that make him special.

Try to play golf like a musician - not a robot. I like to sing when I play golf. I was blessed with zero singing ability … so I’m not sure my playing companions appreciate my singing … but it helps my rhythm and keeps me laughing. One time in a State Open, I sang the song “Shaft” whenever I stepped onto the tee-box … probably should have kept my singing to casual golf … no one enjoyed my “musicianship”.

Even if you don’t sing while you play … at least try to have the feel and mindset of a musician.You probably won’t play like Langer or Fowler … or Santana or Beck or Clapton … but you can love it as much as they do.




Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts


Greetings Golfers,

We’re just a few days away from the 4th of July … how do I not talk about freedom?

Despite all of the crazy stuff going on in our country … whether political or cultural … wouldn’t you think we could agree on the value of freedom?

We may even disagree about what freedom means … but we should at least agree that it’s the defining characteristic of the USA.

Yet … we seem to take it for granted.

We could argue all day about what is good and bad about America. America is not perfect. But what country is? Or even what is (besides God)?

Upstairs in my office I have my great-great Grandmother’s spinning-wheel. When they left Norway to settle in Northern Minnesota … all they had was her wheel to help them make enough money to keep going. Why would they put themselves through such hardship? Freedom.

Probably most people reading this have a similar story.

However, freedom only works with grown-ups … or responsible people.

Too much freedom for kids or goofballs turns into chaos. Or destruction. Or the end of progress. Just a constant party. But after awhile, there’s no one to run the party or make the food and drink or supply ANYTHING. No one’s working!

Freedom at its best means the freedom to do what’s right. Not the freedom to give in to your worst self. Not freedom to be a murderer or rapist or a kleptomaniac, etc.

Irresponsible freedom only works if someone is there to clean-up the mess. We all know spoiled kids who know that they don’t have to be responsible for what they do. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote about this in “The Great Gatsby”.

But what if a society goes that route? What if the people in power tell people they can do whatever they want and that society will clean it up? Is that real freedom?

I think the main thing that those people in power wouldn’t allow is freedom of speech. They don’t want anyone calling them out on their scam.

Speaking of scams … have you noticed the PGA Tour - Liv deal has vanished from the news. Vanished. Hmmmm. HUGE event … historic event for the game of golf … and … over. No more comments or insight or follow-up on how and why it all happened.

Oh yeah … and PGA Commissioner Jay Monahan has been deathly ill ever since the deal.

Will there be freedom in professional golf? Or will it be totally controlled by this new organization? Well … it already feels controlled. Free speech is always the clue. Freedom and free speech go hand-in-hand.

While writing this, I took a break and read a few emails … and a few of them  also had freedom on their minds. One was from a music reviewer who referred to freedom as FreeDUMB. Wow!

Another was from my son Mikey who sent me this quote by Peter Marshall “May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please but as the opportunity to do what is right”.

I’m going to go with Mikey’s quote and proudly celebrate our nation’s freedom on the 4th of July.




Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Feel It

Greetings Golfers,

“95% of putts that are short don’t go in the hole”.

I’m sure you’ve heard that piece of “wisdom”. Probably good advice on short putts. Probably not on a severe downhill putt on a fast green. And probably not a good way to think about putting - especially if you’re new to the game.

I just overheard that advice being given to a kid learning to play. He then began smashing putts all over the  putting green.

Most people have trouble with distance while putting. You seldom see someone 5 feet left or right from the cup. But, you see players constantly 5 feet (or more) short or long.

Putting is about feel - getting the speed right. And, with the correct speed … you have a much better sense of how it breaks. I think people need to learn how to die the putt into the hole … so that it falls in on its last turn. That’s how to get a feel of the green and the putter and your stroke. When you get that feel, then you can decide when to hit putts firm or soft.

Just read a great blog about baseball. The writer was pleased with the improved pace of play … but discouraged by how slow play came about. Too many relief pitchers and too many decisions coming from stats. Talk about losing the feel of the game. Even former Yankee star and Marlin’s manager Don Mattingly, said “It’s a game that is sometimes unwatchable”. Trying to save it with carnival acts and better food options is not the solution.

The fear of making decisions based on personal knowledge and experience is depressing. Why even have leaders? Just have statisticians run everything. What a perfect way to avoid responsibility. Then if people still aren’t happy … give ‘em a Snickers bar.

The town of Victoria had a great leader who didn’t run from responsibility. I’m talking about Sue Orsen - the owner, editor, and publisher of the VICTORIA GAZETTE. Sue’s monthly paper was a work of art and a labor of love. It has been vital to our sense of community.

Language is what distinguishes us from animals. Animals cannot put thoughts and feelings and ideas into words. As James Joyce said “ A writer is the priest of the eternal imagination, transmuting the daily bread of experience into the radiant body of everlasting life.”

Thank you Sue. I hope that Victoria can grow the right way without your words.

Yes … words are that important. We do what we do because of how we think. Words influence how we think.

Rod Carew is good with words. Maybe not as good with words as he was with a bat - but good. He’s been fun on Twitter sticking-up for hitters. MLB turned into a slug fest with guys who could only hit a home-run or strike-out. They couldn’t even hit to the opposite field when the shift was on. That’d be like a Tour player who couldn’t hit fades and draws.

Carew just told a guy to “go polish your calculator”.

Carew had unbelievable bat control - he could hit home-runs … but preferred hitting the ball where they weren’t. He had amazing feel of the bat. We need that kind of feel of the golf club. Especially the putter. Yeah, it’s good to get it to the hole … but with feel … not smashed past it.

“95% of smashed putts don’t go in the hole”.

Work on your feel.




Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Taking Everything For Granted

Greetings Golfers,


So I was rereading Ben Hogan’s “Five Fundamentals” and read the intro by Herbert Warren Wind. Wind was talking about how much work went into the original articles for SPORTS ILLUSTRATED and then even more work to put it into a book-form.

While reading this up in my office, I looked out the window and watched a guy pull-up to the back of the Clubhouse with his truck. It was pretty amazing how well he backed-up the truck and perfectly aligned it when he finished. He then opened the back, set-up a ramp and then went in the truck and went through his inventory to load-up his cart and start bringing in his stuff.

His products don’t just magically appear in our coolers.

Ben Hogan’s instruction didn’t just magically appear on the pages of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED or his book.

I think our society is taking too much for granted. It’s easy to do … but not a good thing. We become demanding instead of respectful.

The other night while picking up hole signs after an event …. I ran into people who’d snuck on the golf course. When I said that they had to leave … they acted like I was being a jerk.

Here’s an analogy: Let’s say that a restaurant is closed and that people just walked in and sat at the tables and started eating their own food. Is that cool? Sure … why not? The restaurant just runs itself … cleans itself by magic … and things never wear-out … the staff doesn’t want to go home. I guess the restaurant people are just being mean not to allow it.

Maybe it’s because I’m getting old and know people who had death scares … and are now really thankful to be alive. But we also have to be thankful of the people who do the work that allows us to do and have so much. We’re incredibly fortunate. Do you grow the food… pave the streets … answer the phones … make the clothes … build the cars … and everything else we take for granted?

Do you let them know? I try to give our delivery guys a coke, etc … it’s not much but at least it’s recognition.

We seem to have framed our society by who’s on the “correct” side. And only those people deserve our respect. Hmmmmmm. Really? Isn’t that easily self-serving and smug? Taking for granted everything people do for us … and then feeling superior or rejecting them because maybe they don’t share your world-view?

Ironically, I find those working people more honorable and respectful than the people who dismiss them.

So … what is our society valuing? Doesn’t seem to be hard work … but rather the fruits of hard work.

That sounds like the attitude of a spoiled brat.

Hogan was definitely not a spoiled brat. His life story is mind-boggling. I’m sure most of you know it … if not, look into it … it will give you hope about humanity.

And if you need some help with your golf swing … take a look at his “Five Fundamentals”. From time-to-time, we all need to go back to the fundamentals. In everything.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Confidence Comes From Integrity

Greetings Golfers,

What would you think if a legitimate dating service merged with a house of prostitution?

Well, some people would claim that it’s a victory for “unity”.

I guess it is … if you would want to be in business with a whore house. You might even have more clients. Maybe that’s your goal - “bigger is better”.

And what if the Mafia was financing this house of prostitution? Would you then want them to be your main money source … and let them have first right of refusal to future money sources? Not that they’ll take over the whole business … naw … you’re the CEO … you have the power!

What was Jay Monahan thinking? Was/is he the real power behind the PGA? Or was he just a pawn?

How could the PGA TOUR not have enough confidence in their brand to stay independent?

And … every other golf leader is talking about how this will be good for golf in the long run. Why are they saying this? LIV was no threat. It would limp along and die.

Oh … I guess it must be about the greatly needed infusion of Saudi cash. Huh? The PGA TOUR was healthy - very healthy.

Why the panic move?

Or (as they claim) is this the way to develop a better vision for professional golf? What’s the vision?

But there is no vision. And yet they say there will be one in a year or two.

Talk about double-talk. This is just a basic sell-out.

What’s that lyric from “Hamilton”? … “I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love.”

Who are these people?


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Finding Balance Through Controlling Extremes

Greetings Golfers,

Does your golf swing ever get out of whack? Do you always hit the ball perfectly straight?

Well, I don’t. In fact lately, I’ve just been hitting smothered hooks. It’s a really fun shot. Especially with a long carry over water. Even a short carry over water is dangerous - I can smother hook a wedge.

So … how do I fix it? While playing - I would try to block it and lead my hands way in front of the ball at impact. This lead to super low shots and some lovely fat and thin shots … and some really fun blocked fades into weird places.

That wasn’t a fix … that was just a temporary way to get around the golf course. 

Rather than rebuild my swing, I’ve decided to practice doing the opposite of my smother hook. I’m practicing hitting high fades - even violent slices.

But I first started by hitting flop shots at our seldom used

chipping green. It was scary to lay the face of my sand wedge wide open … and then try to slide it under the ball. It felt reckless and dangerous. A lot of guys get the chipping yips in their later years - I get it. But the short, punchy chip can get pretty yippy too.

However, I stuck with it. I didn’t practice very long … once I got decent at it … I stopped. I wanted my body and brain to start to trust it. Later that day, I actually hit a bunch of full-swing flop shots. Not a million … just trying to build trust in a different way of hitting the ball.

We all get out of whack. Maybe not as severe as I was … but we all do. The trick is how to fix it … and not make it worse.

So the other day, an old friend posted this:  

The Buddha smiled, “Yes, you see, that is what the path is: just right, neither too tight nor too loose. Moderation in everything. Temperance in everything.”

Sounds like hitting straight golf shots. But … how do we get there?

I think we need to learn how to hit hooks and slices so that we can get back to the middle. If over time my swing gets too fadey … I’ll need to start hitting hooks to get it back in the middle.
Finding balance through controlling extremes seems to work in golf. I wonder if Buddha played golf.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Not Everyone Has A Price

Greetings Golfers,


How about Michael Block’s week at the PGA Championship?

A PGA club Pro - a 47 year old club Pro - makes the cut … then is on the leaderboard after the 3rd round … and then makes an Ace while playing with Rory McIlroy during the final round of a major championship.

How can that be true? But it is … and that’s why we love tournament golf. It’s not fixed. It’s real. And it’s good - really good.

I get asked about the LIV Tour all the time. I’ve written about it … I don’t like it … I think it’s dirty money … and I don’t like the cheesy format. It’s just throwing money at guys to make it look like it’s a real tour. It’s just a series of exhibitions. Who cares? It’s like P.T. Barnum came back and decided to start a golf tour.

Am I against competition? Not at all. In fact I think the PGA Tour could use some real competition. About the only golf tournaments that interest me are the Majors. 

Why? Because the Majors are special. Special because they feel like they’re played for honor - not for money.

Do you care about the FedEx Cup? I don’t. But I can see why the players care - it’s a ton of dough - good for them … but I don’t care.

So who’s calling the shots? Obviously it’s the sponsors. 

What if the Masters became … the Cadillac Masters? How cheesy would that be? The Masters controls their sponsors - not the other way around.

I wish the PGA Tour had enough confidence in its product that sponsors felt fortunate to sponsor - to be a part of something really good.

Here’s another example - the Burger King US Open … how awful would that be?

That’s the LIV Tour in a nutshell.

Don’t think that I’m anti-marketing … marketing is really important - it better accurately represents the business … make clear who they are.

If your business is a basic commodity … then you’re just basically selling price. Your marketing will be mostly about price and convenience - not why you’re special.

But if you’re special, that’s what your marketing should be about. Otherwise you look desperate.

The PGA Tour looks desperate when they let businesses tell them what to do.

All non-commodity businesses need to be special … otherwise - what’s the point?

News is a business … though we like to think that journalism is about reporting the truth. Learning that newspapers and television news stations are puppets of their advertisers is depressing. 

You’d hope that any business that needs sponsors and advertisers would keep their integrity and focus on being so good that they could pick and choose sponsors and advertisers.

I’m glad that golf’s Majors have stuck to their guns. And wish other sports and other businesses would too. 

The Michael Block story is so appealing because it’s real - it’s not part of an agenda. It was about a club Pro beating most of the best players in the world in a major championship. And sharing the joy of a Hole-in-One with Rory McIlroy. Good as it gets.



Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts


Greetings Golfers,


Was watching a video the other day about long-lived cultures on the planet. One of the places was Ikaria, Greece where the people live for hundreds of years. I’m exaggerating … but many live to be a 100+. 

So the talk was about the weather and what they eat, etc … all the typical categories. But, one of the residents exclaimed that those weren’t the reasons why they live so long. He said it was because “ Every family sets an extra chair at the table so that they are ready to welcome a guest.”

Wow. How good is that? Talk about hospitality.

These are not rich people. Many are poor. But … they want to live a life of hospitality. Not tit-for-tat … genuine hospitality. 

I found this in “5 Ways to Show Hospitality”


1.) Invite someone over for a meal

2.) Give a hug to people you know

3.) Take a meal to someone in need

4.) Ask someone about their day and really listen

5.) Buy the drink for the person behind you

Obviously this could be a longer list. Basically it’s about giving - food or time or concern or a drink!

A one-way street of taking ain’t pretty. But forced giving or forced hospitality doesn’t mean much. We all know when it’s genuine. 

Here’s a cool quote that I just read, “Though societies can not attain perfection, they can still provide the good life if not driven by the predatory motives of efficiency and control.”

Driven by. That’s the key. Nothing wrong with efficiency and some control … but not if those are a society’s driving forces. Otherwise, it’s just a master-slave society.

I recently read that we Americans eat 1/3 of our meals in the car. What???? 

In my lifetime, I’ve seen the pace of life get pretty ramped-up. I wish that I could wave a magic wand and slow it all down. 

Well, I can’t do that … but I can talk about the joy of playing golf. It can be a needed break from the madness. I don’t mean a slow round of golf … I mean a comfortable 4 hour round followed by a drink or two. And leaving an extra seat at the table for someone new to share your hospitality.

Golf is the key to longevity.



Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

A Question of Balance

Greetings Golfers,

This statement by the Farm Equipment Association of Minnesota and South Dakota is a great reminder of reality:

“Despite All Our Accomplishments

We Owe Our Existence To 

A Six-Inch Layer Of Topsoil

And The Fact It Rains”

It’s true … and most of us take it for granted. In fact, I think we even take the concept of healthy soil for granted.

You won’t have a healthy garden unless you have healthy soil. You can’t fix the flowers with plastic surgery. Probably applies to humans too.

We get too caught up in fixing things on a surface level instead of getting at the root of things.

You can definitely see it at a golf course. The soil needs to be fed and cultivated. If it’s ignored for very long … you’ll have a dead golf course.

Same with the culture of a golf course. If it’s not fed and watered … the flowers die and the weeds take over.

Obviously this pertains to countries. Most countries were agricultural before the industrial revolution. 

My speech is that we need both - agriculture and industry. Small towns and cities.

On the golf course, we use chemicals - not everything is natural. And yesterday, we just repaved the circle cart-path on the #2 tee box. Some people walk - some use golf carts.

I just read something that said rural people are most concerned about liberty … and that city people are most concerned about equality.

They’re both valid concerns. The agricultural mindset would probably be more conservative - trying to conserve the earth. The city mindset would probably be more progressive - trying to invent new products with industry and technology.

Again … we need both. We can’t get stuck in the past … and we can’t poison the soil. We need a balance.

I would like to see a PGA Tournament where they use wooden woods and blade irons and balata balls. But I also appreciate the modern equipment.

You hear everyday about how divided our society is. I think the divide is fundamentally on this line. Of course manipulators have confused the issues and thus have created more lines. But I think it basically comes back to this.

Remember that Joni Mitchell song “Pave Paradise and Put-up a Parking Lot”?

Well, the past wasn’t Utopia … but the race to Utopia is also not living in reality.

And, like most things … we need clarity …and living reality … and balance.

We can’t race ahead to Utopia without poisoning the world. And we can’t put on the brakes and live in the past.

We need to keep finding balance. And what better way to do it than on and at a golf course.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts


Greetings Golfers,


I just finished making a spin around the course as a Ranger. The golf course was good - more lush than normal at this time of year - which is a good thing … that means the grass is healthy.

But that lushness also means that the fairways are not hard and dried-out … the ball is not rolling very far. For some of us … that lack of roll is not a good thing … we need more distance. While rangering … I told some guys that it’s not them, but that the course gets longer every year. Well, it sure plays longer when it’s lush.

Most golfers are in a search for power. It’d be fun to hit it so far that lush fairways wouldn’t matter. But, power needs to be in control. As Percy Boomer says in “On Learning Golf” - “Power, like fire, is a good servant but a bad master. Uncontrolled power is the very devil - in golf or anywhere else.”

Speaking of power out of control … have you been watching “Succession”? It’s a show about the kids wanting to succeed their father … supposedly loosely based on the Rupert Murdoch family. They can’t handle much - especially power. We all know the Lord Acton saying “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

However, I’d argue with that saying. My saying would be “Power tends to reveal, and absolute power reveals absolutely.” Reveals what? Reveals character - it reveals who someone really is.

These kids on “Succession” are beyond annoying. Once they get power … they’re petty and foolish and short-sighted and ruthless. It ain’t pretty. 

In a recent episode, the father said: “I love you all - but you’re not serious people.” True. They live in la-la-land … and try to act like they’re smart by speaking a language of idiotic hip terminology and “clever” remarks. It’s mind-boggling and embarrassing. 

Have you ever played golf with people who use what they think is “cool” golf terminology? It’s also mind-boggling and embarrassing. It’s not straight-forward … it’s using language not to be clear, but to use it as a childish way to act like they’re a member of a secret-society. They want to make you feel like they know more about golf than you do. Charming.

Once-upon-a-time there was an Asst. Pro who came back from a golf school and adopted that “clever” golf speak. It wasn’t likable. He tried to use it as a form of power - just like the goofballs on “Succession”. As you would expect - he was enamored with power in golf. He could hit it really far - but it was not in control. Percy Boomer knew what he was talking about. 

Power - like money - is a tool. And it can be a valuable tool if used properly. But it’s not something to be worshiped. It’s about getting the right conceptions.

Here’s Percy again: “We cannot lay too much stress upon this matter of getting the right conceptions. It is surprising what you can get people to do once they clearly understand what it is that has to be done. To reverse this, I contend that many of us are playing bad golf not because we are incapable of playing good golf, but simply because we are thinking of golf in the wrong way. 

I have known cases of such players who improved their swings and games without intending to, simply because they came across and adopted a better conception of the swing. The truth is, of course, that just as we appreciate good manners we will become good mannered in spite of ourselves; so also, if we appreciate the true ethics of the golf strokes, we will become good golfers.

Why do I use the word ‘ethics’? Well, because golf is a matter of ethics, that is (according to my dictionary) ‘relating to manners or morals’. To prove this, cast your eye around the club room. The chances are you will find the most modest man in the club is also the best player and that he is out in the caddie shed. I have never known a great golfer who was not modest, and that goes for Walter Hagen, who in spite of his showmanship was a charmingly modest fellow and a great gentleman.”

Wow - how good was that? I first read Percy’s book in college - I didn’t know what he was talking about … not just the golf swing - but life. And, he’s very clear - he’s not a conman. But his clarity and sanity were not normal back then. Probably even less so now.

I think people have gotten less clear. That somehow clarity is seen as narrow-minded. But as Percy said, the best people are humble … and clear. The worst are like those “Succession” kids - arrogant and vague … they speak nonsense as a form of a creepy power play. 
Golf is about clarity. Keep it simple and good. Power is just a tool. The game is still - hit it, find it, deal with it. It’s not a long-drive contest. Life is not a long-drive contest. It’s how you play the game that counts.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

We’re Open!

Greetings Golfers,

We're open - seriously!

We kept getting faked-out … I wasn’t sure it’d happen before Memorial Day

But … all is well … all is forgiven. When we’re up and running and people are here … all the frustration goes away. It’s just so good to see people happy and playing golf - especially at the same time!

In the past week a former golf radio personality, and a major MN golf promoter/operator, and a legendary MN sportswriter all wanted to talk golf - especially the current state of golf. Something has happened. Golf is booming. This isn’t the “Tiger Boom” of the late 90s … this is much different. 

Golf has a very different feeling of being accessible … of being authentic … of being fun … of being a natural part of life. I feel that people really want to play golf for the joy of the game. Not just to win. Or to be cool. But they love to play golf.

Sure, there were always people who felt this way … but that wasn’t a big number or normal. But now it is. I don’t think the golf industry has a clue - things have really changed.

I predict that in the next 5 years that the golf industry will really change. And I don’t mean in gimmicky goofy ways for people to make a quick buck. I mean that golf courses and manufacturers and organizations will change. Because people want to play golf. They don’t need to be manipulated to play. They will gravitate to whoever gets it.

Am I overreacting to the thrill of opening? No. It feels different at the golf course … and the insightful golf people I know, can feel it too.

That’s it. That’s all I’ve got. But it’s good. I’m more excited than ever about golf.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Golf is Finally Here!

Greetings Golfers,


I think it’s finally here. We’re planning on opening the golf course on Monday. Hurrah!

Hopefully you’ve been hitting balls at those indoor places. It can be pretty fun. I did last week and used a trackman for the first time - seriously. It was fun. Seeing your swing speed and smash-factor … and position of the club-face … and of course your distance and accuracy … is a great way to practice. It seemed to be amazingly accurate and we could pretty much predict our numbers before they showed-up on the screen.

Not all indoor places have trackman … and it’s not necessary … but is a good tool. Just hitting a golf ball is a good thing.

Do you think Jon Rahm and Scottie Scheffler and Jordan Spieth and Rory McIlroy have hit many balls? How good are those four? And … their swings look nothing alike. However, they know how to make it work.

Recently, I read that Sheffler said that every amateur needs to learn these 2 specific shots:

  • A draw with a driver

  • A low sand-wedge 

I agree! I mean … I really agree! Most people can’t hit those 2 shots - but they could. But, they’re too busy trying to learn the perfect swing rather than learning how to hit golf shots. 

The swing doesn’t hit the shot for you. You hit the golf shot. Use a swing to put you in position to hit a golf shot.

Most people fade/slice because they haven’t learned how close the club-face … and swing inside-out. But you first have to learn how to close the club-face. You won’t swing inside-out until you’re confident the ball will spin back left.

As for hitting a low sand wedge … you need to contact the ball with your hands ahead of the club-face. That’s how you “trap” the golf ball. It’s a great way to control accuracy and distance.

About 10 years ago at a Staff Day put on by a big equipment company at a famous golf course … they invited a “big-time” golf instructor to talk to us. He talked all about the “new swing” on the Tour. This move was about turning violently through the shot and finishing “low-left”. Hmmmmm ….

Ok … maybe for Tour players. Maybe. What about swinging the golf club? Rory got into this madness and stopped winning Majors. Hopefully, he’s going back to his beautiful golf swing that got him winning Majors as a young man.

If you ever give a lot of golf lessons, you see a pretty consistent pattern of faults. Basically 2 faults (which Scheffler wisely wants to counter). First, people want to scoop the ball up in the air with their irons. I get it. That seems like the logical way to get the ball off the ground and up in the air. However, scooping leads to a million problems - mainly that the hands are behind the ball as the wrists break in an attempt to lift the ball. All of their bad body movements are a result of this faulty concept. Working on their body movements won’t really work if they still have the wrong concept of how to contact the ball. They need to learn how to “trap it”.

With a driver they make a different move because of another faulty concept. The ball is on a tee, so they’re not as worried about getting it airborne … but they really want to crush it. I get it. And what feels really strong? - how about squeezing the club and smashing the ball with your shoulders? That’s the natural instinct for power. However, that’s definitely not a way to hit a draw. Their faulty move is to lift up the driver and smash down into the ball with a “low-left” finish. They need to learn how to relax their grip and sweep the club from in-to-out and finish high-right … and hopefully have turned-over their wrists enough to close the face so the ball can spin back to to left … even though it started right.

Hopefully that made sense.

But our “famous” instructor had never worked with anyone other than Tour players. He had not worked his way up.

During his talk, I was concerned that his concept of the swing would be consumed by our group and taken back to golf courses around the Metro. The last thing most golfers need is to try to finish “low left” … they need to finish “high-right”. Percy Boomer - the greatest golf instructor of all time - explains this concept beautifully in his book “On Learning Golf”. 

Now that we’re finally opening … don’t worry if your swing looks “perfect” … but do concern yourself with learning to hit a draw with your driver and a low sand wedge. Those four guys we talked about can easily do both … though their swings look nothing like each other. 

Randy Smith - Scheffler’s golf instructor - said that he never changed Scheffler’s unorthodox footwork - his feet aren’t planted on the ground. “He’s an athlete,” Smith said. “And athlete’s play golf differently than robots.”

Well, you may not be the athlete Scheffler is … but you sure don’t want to be a robot. And robots don’t enjoy golf. Golf is made to be enjoyed - with your own, unique swing. But, learn to hit a draw and a low sand wedge!


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Aragon-Menzel Thomas Aragon-Menzel

Might and Right

Greetings Golfers,


Many years ago, comedian-musician Tom Leher had a great song about misguided military interventionism “ Might makes right until they’ve seen the light”.

It doesn’t have to be about muscle … might can come in many forms. And might can be a good thing. Strength is important … weakness is not an asset.

However, might doesn’t make right. And it’s ugly when it happens. 

Basically, it’s the attitude of a bully. One of my best friends has been described as a “bully hunter” … I think it’s accurate and that he secretly enjoys the compliment.

Obviously, we’re getting into a tricky area. Who decides what is right? 

However, someone who says “Might makes right” is not arguing about what is right … they’re just saying that power dictates what is right. Sort of like people who “cleverly” say the Golden Rule means “whoever has the gold, rules” … usually followed by “and I have the gold”.


A close relative just changed jobs … and his announcement on LinkedIn was bombarded with people thanking him for his inspirational leadership. Not thanking him for controlling them with his might and power and gold.

My wife and I watch a long-running tv show that has a variety of writers. Our favorite writer deals really well with reality and the main characters always make their decisions on what is right - not might … and the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law … and they nobly accept the consequences.

Our least favorite writer of the show does the opposite. The main characters choose the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law.

I’m talking about the same show. Wow. Is this intentional?

Our goal is to do the right thing here at DRGC. It’s not always appreciated or understood. One time I was called a communist because I wouldn’t let a guy buy special privileges. I thought communism meant govt. ownership of private property. 

How about that wonderful saying “The customer is always right”. Ok. I guess if the customer throws a rock through our window that it’s alright. Hmmmm. Sounds like “might makes right” to me.

Treating people fairly is not communism. Capitalism and free markets do not trump morality. I had the legal right to give that bribing customer special treatment. I chose not to because I don’t want to operate like that. Just because something’s legal doesn’t make it right. The legal system is about protecting people’s rights … not about controlling society.

And with freedom … some people will choose to sell-out to the power with the gold.

And, with a loss of freedom - communism - they will use “might to make right”. They’ve taken away the choice from the individual.

These issues get very confusing … whether it’s a government or a business. 

We try to operate DRGC on the idea that people know what is right … and appreciate a place that respects them and expects them to do the right thing. We don’t want to run this place like a police-state.

For example, we leave the cart keys in the carts. People could only pay the green fee and hop on a cart. Obviously it’s the same as stealing … and we think most people don’t steal from us … we trust them.

On that same vein … we’ve decided not to charge neighbors a season-long Trail Fee … but to charge everyone who drives a cart our cart fee … whether it’s one of our carts or theirs. It’s simpler and easier … and fair.

Obviously, people can try to get away with it. But we know … and they know it’s not right. Are we obsessed with this issue? No.

Same with no-shows. That’s a bad deal. We have a short season with a limited amount of tee-times. Those tee-times are golden. We hope people won’t take advantage of us. Is it worth running the whole tee-time system to stop no-shows? Not for us … most people get it. Ironically, some people with the gold and/or might are the worst abusers of our trusting policy (and policies). 

Hmmmm … so being “special” is a license to not do the right thing.

Well, back to Tom Leher “Might makes right until they’ve seen the light”. I’d rather say “Right makes might and will be used (reluctantly) if they don’t see the light”.



Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

A Nice Little Rib Joint

Greetings Golfers,


Though sunset is getting later, these are not good evenings to play golf … at least not here in Minnesota. So, I’ve been trying to find interesting stuff to watch on television. And, most shows that I’ve sampled are about as good as our weather.

So … I’m back to the Summer of 1967 … the time of 3 of my all-time favorite shows: The Avengers; The Saint; and The Prisoner. James Bond movies were big back then, so these shows were variations on the theme.

My favorite was The Prisoner. He was a spy who resigned, but couldn’t get away. They knocked him out and he woke-up on an island. Though everything is “perfect” on the island … he has no freedom … not a very good trade. And, there seems to be no escape. He is … The Prisoner.

I just read that when the star and writer - Patrick McGouaghn - started the show, he was the highest paid actor in England. But by the end of the show he was chased out of the country because the show made a lot of people angry. That blew my mind. I can’t imagine the show could be that upsetting.

Maybe a show that portrayed how crazy and sinister the dream of Utopia is … is just too much for Utopians. 

Promising everything to everybody is easy to do … but impossible to do. Whether it’s politicians or businesses.

I’m constantly bombarded with people trying to tell me how to run the golf course. Mostly it’s about how it should be run for their needs. If you added all the suggestions up … the final product would be Augusta National merged with Mall of America … and it would all be free or at least ridiculously cheap.

That’s probably the golf facility they would have on the island for The Prisoner. Might sound good at first … but the lack of freedom would take all of the joy out of it.

That island would not have a variety of golf courses. There would be only one for everyone. And it would try to appease everyone. That’s a poor model anywhere.

I prefer variety. Difficult courses … easier courses … short or long … cheap or expensive … fun or super serious … private or public … resort or muni … I could go on and on.

I compare us to a rib-joint. Great ribs with good sides and a charming little atmosphere to enjoy the dinner. However, here’s what would happen if I did what everyone suggested: One guy says that he loves our ribs, but his wife doesn’t like ribs … and she’d like French food. So, we’d add a mini-kitchen and maybe hire a chef. Then, somebody says “Ya know, the French thing doesn’t really work … but Mexican food is a natural fit”. So then we add that. Then, someone says that they love our ribs and it would be really fun to sit out at night under the stars eating ribs and listening to live music. 

Soon, the focus would not be on the ribs. Not enough time to make the special sauce and go through the proper process. Probably start microwaving the ribs and running French-Mexican-rib specials. Oh … and the bands are driving away the dinner crowd and bringing in raging alcoholics.

THE FUN HAS JUST BEGUN!  The expenses have gone crazy … the revenue is down … the atmosphere is terrible … and we’ve become an embarrassment to the community.

This model could only work on The Prisoner.

Well, hopefully the weather will improve and we can open. In the meantime … sit back and enjoy the Masters.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Aragon-Menzel Thomas Aragon-Menzel

The Love of Money

Greetings Golfers,


So is everything about money? The total motivation? The goal? The thing that fixes everything?

If so … is the only reason everyone isn’t a criminal because they are afraid they’ll get caught?

So … “selling out” is just being practical?

And every mistake needs to be financially compensated?

The other day while in the car, I was listening to a goofy lawyer advice radio show. One call was from a serious demanding woman who was upset that the phone company had made a mistake on her bill. She then admitted that the problem was resolved … but … she had suffered emotionally because of the mistake and felt entitled to sue the phone company for emotional damages.


People make mistakes all the time - we’re not perfect. Because mistakes are made - even minor mistakes that are quickly resolved - should they be liable to a lawsuit for emotional damage?

Where does this madness end? Your invitation got lost in the mail? Somebody cut you off in traffic? Are these lawsuits? What if you hit a good shot and it takes a bad bounce? Lawsuit? I’m sure that bounce was upsetting … and of course you’re not responsible for dealing with your emotions.

Now that we’re finally talking golf … what’s the PGA Tour up to? Next year sounds like their model is the LIV Tour.

Huh? Are you kidding? Isn’t this the time for the PGA Tour to really separate itself and do it right?

So … their goal is to just appease the star players? And … just sell-out to the big sponsors? Isn’t that the LIV model that people are so mad about.

I like Rory … but here’s how he explained the new PGA Tour model  “It keeps the stars there for four days. You ask Mastercard or whoever it is to pay $20M for a golf event, they want to see the stars at the weekend”. So the sponsors are calling the shots? Then why not have the players do a “sponsor dance” on the last green. They’re already doing a lap-dance.

Shouldn’t the Tour put out a great product and look for sponsors who are proud to be a part of something good?

That’s not being arrogant - that’s being confident. That confidence comes from building something really well. We all know the difference.

Our clubhouse is a 100 year-old brick farmhouse. It was built to last. I bring new staff down into the basement and show them the beams. They’re not 2-by-4s … you can hardly put your arms around them. They didn’t cut corners. I tell these kids that that’s how we want to do things here. No shortcuts, no cutting corners … just do things right. I want this golf course to be here a hundred years from now. This isn’t a real estate play … or a scam to drive-up numbers and then sell. This is a labor of love. Money is a tool to make it better.

Isn’t a sane culture built on solid ground? If the goal is to just build and flip or just build and bleed it … what’s the next step or the final goal? Just keep on moving and leave a path of destruction? And what then … move to an island and hide from reality? Or is life about just going on a non-stop bender? Those are the dreams of kids - not grown-ups.

Alister MacKenzie - the great golf course architect (Augusta National, Cypress, etc) was originally a medical doctor. But he gave-up medicine for golf design … not for money … but to help people. This is what he said “One of the reasons why I, a ‘medical man’ decided to give up medicine was of a firm conviction of the extraordinary influence of pleasurable excitement, especially combined with fresh air and exercise. How frequently have I, with great difficulty, persuaded patients who were never off my doorsteps to take up golf, and how rarely, if ever, I have seen them in my consulting room again.”

MacKenzie’s courses were built to last. And are still the best in the world. The PGA Tour should learn from his example.



Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Food, Music, And Laughter

Greetings Golfers,



No … I’m not in Hawaii … I’m in wintery Minnesota … but I feel great. Maybe not great … but not like I’m going to die. So in comparison - I feel great! And happy! And grateful.

When I was so sick, I didn’t want to eat, or play music, or laugh. Isn’t that death? We can’t live without those things. Well, at least I can’t.

The laughing thing really matters. Life is not a joke. Life is serious. However, not EVERYTHING needs to be taken seriously.

Serious things need to be taken seriously. We all need to figure out our priorities and take them seriously. But taking everything seriously is crazy. Definitely not funny. Crazy. 

Stuff goes wrong all the time. But, it’s not the end of the world. Nuclear war is the end of the world. Someone screwing up your order at a restaurant is not the end of the world. Laugh about it. Unless you want to join the millions who should be in mental institutions because they take everything too seriously.

What I miss most about the course not being open, is the constant laughter. I’ll be up in my office and hear the staff in the Pub laughing with golfers or just with each other. Or in the other office I hear Kathy and Kelly and Ketti laughing it up. (Which they do all day). I complain to people that I have to deal with the KKK  (obviously their initials). Some people take that seriously and get mad. Really???

Hey, the Klan hated Catholics. I’m Catholic. I can laugh at myself. If we can’t laugh at ourselves … we’re over the edge. 

Ever play golf with people who can’t laugh at their bad shots? And … they really enjoy laughing at your bad shots? They’re fun to be with.

It has been said that nothing so lays bare a person’s soul as their laugh. I agree. And not just their laugh … but what they laugh at.

Can’t wait to open the golf course. Can’t wait to be fully healed. Can’t wait for nice, warm, Spring weather.

But what I really can’t wait for … is the laughter throughout the clubhouse and golf course.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Manners, Respect, and Responsibilty

Greetings Golfers,


I just finished reading an article written by an American who says that American men can’t seem to apologize … anymore. He writes about how in old Westerns they talked about how much courage it took to apologize.

Hmmmm … I think he’s right. We’ve twisted-it-up so that we think apologizing is a sign of weakness. No. Apologizing is stepping-up and taking responsibility. I remember reading an article years ago that had a headline  like “Courageous Leaders Don’t Make Excuses - They Apologize”.

Somehow we’ve made apologizing and good manners into not signs of courage, responsibility, and respect … but into a power/subservient game. Ironically, that attitude turns important pieces of civility into an ugly power game.

My wife and I were watching a show about politicians … and the “hero” was at the mercy of the Secretary of State.

So, when our hero would walk into the Secretary’s office … the Secretary wouldn’t even look-up and acknowledge him … even when they would be having a conversation. But, when our hero left the office … the Secretary looked-up.

Barf. I wanted to punch the guy.

When I write these blogs, I start it with “Greetings Golfers” … I don’t just start writing … I acknowledge you’all … that’s a sign of respect and connection.

Ever walk into a room and the people don’t stop talking and don’t acknowledge you? Well … if you haven’t … it’s not fun. I just usually keep walking. Am I being petty - no, they’re being rude and petty.

When you walk into our Clubhouse … I want our staff to immediately greet you. With warmth and friendliness. This is not being phony … unless our staff doesn’t like you or doesn’t like people in general. If that’s the case … I’ve hired the wrong staff.

Years ago, I worked for a GM who one day pointed at his watch and said “I’m going to get this place to run like a Swiss watch!” I replied “If that’s your goal, you’re going to go crazy and have a terrible atmosphere. We need people to be flexible and able to deal with the constant chaos due to weather, broken machines (carts, mowers, grills, ball-machines, phones, etc), misunderstandings, and just the uniqueness of people. He scowled. Later at one of the lunches … I declared : The basic difference between us is that you don’t like people - but love “humanity” … and that I like people - but I’m afraid of “humanity”.

He also hated good manners. He saw life as just a series of power plays. 

I’m aware of power. And respect it as a tool. But, I try to avoid people who love power plays. They only have good manners for people who have power or can do something for them. They usually treat waiters and waitresses cruelly and disrespectfully. 

Playing golf with people is a great window into their soul. 

The other day, a woman college golfer walked through another player’s putting line. Twitter went crazy. Of course it was disrespectful. But some people took the tack that it didn’t matter and to get over it.

Oh. So life is just about functionality? Cool. Let’s all just become robots and move on.

We have very little drama among our staff at DRGC. I think it’s because I hire for culture. My interviews are mostly about culture. If they get it … they’ll probably get hired. If they don’t get it - I won’t hire them no matter how great their resume is.

Respect and trust are what keep people comfortable with each other. Manners, apologizing and taking responsibility are the constant little things going on all the time between people. To discount them or ignore them is to put the emphasis on power and functionality instead of the joy of being human. 

Well, hopefully we’ll be opening soon. Over the last 30+ years … April 4 is the average opening date. Probably more likely is April 14 (I hope!).

If it is a late opening … I’m not apologizing … the weather is a little out of my hands. Yet, if we’re not friendly when we open - that I will apologize for. But … that’s not happening … we will be fun and friendly.



Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

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Thomas Abts Thomas Abts

Home Sweet Home

Greetings Golfers,


Well, I’m back in Minnesota. We didn’t see snow until northern Iowa … seriously. But Minnesota made up for that lack of snow. Wow! Rumor is (from knowledgeable sources) that it will probably be a late start for local golf courses.

We got back Sunday night, and I’ve spent the week in the Clubhouse. In fact, it went so fast that I hadn’t thought about my blog until Thursday night. 

The natural topic seemed to be that I’m back home … and how does that relate to Deer Run? Seems easy enough … we want Deer Run to feel like home even though you travel to other courses, etc.

My wife said it sounded boring.

Ok … what’s not boring? The LIV Tour is always a hot topic. And this week the PGA Tour announced that it’s going to have smaller, no-cut tournaments in 2024. Hmmmm … does that sound like a reaction to LIV? … even a copy of LIV?

Reacting is usually not as good as being proactive. I wish the PGA Tour was consistently improving the product. Obviously they need to keep 3 different groups happy:


  • Star players

  • Sponsors

  • Fans


But to just pander to each group does not build a good product. What about building a BETTER product … wouldn’t that naturally appeal to those 3 groups?

I love golf … and even watching golf. But the PGA Tour has a lot of boring tournaments. We all love the Majors because they’re meaningful.

Is the FedEx Cup meaningful? Maybe if you’re a player. But why would anyone else care?

Probably the best thing about tournaments is the cut. Half the field goes home after 2 rounds. The players have to earn it.

The basic appeal of golf is its brutal simplicity: Hit it, find it, deal with it. 

We don’t like golf junked-up.

The Masters is pretty pure. And so are the other Majors like the US Open and the British Open. The PGA - not as much. Thus its place as the bottom rung of the Majors.

Yet the Phoenix Open is fun. Sort of the perfect tournament the day of the Super Bowl.

The PGA Tour needs to figure out how to get better. Not just try to make everyone happy. And it sure doesn’t want to seem like it’s copying the cheesiness of the LIV Tour.

Do I have it figured out? No. But give me time. I just got home and have a lot to do … but I’ll start thinking about this … send me your ideas if you’ve got it figured out.

It’s good to be back home!


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

Deer Run Golf Club
8661 Deer Run Drive
Victoria, MN 55386
(952) 443-2351

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